MLS CO., LTD for Oversea Market

Company News

Chinese packaged LED manufacturer MLS buys stake in Kaistar Lighting
Chinese packaged LED manufacturer MLS buys stake in Kaistar Lighting... View More>>
MLS Aims to Become a Lighting Brand and Will Reduce the Role of LED Packages in Its Business Portfolio
MLS Aims to Become a Lighting Brand and Will Reduce the Role of LED Packages in Its Business Portfolio... View More>>
Lawrence Lin Leaves LEDVANCE, Qinghuan Sun Appointed as the New CEO
Lawrence Lin Leaves LEDVANCE, Qinghuan Sun Appointed as the New CEO... View More>>
MLS LED grabs the UVC LED market with an annual output of 300 million chips
MLS LED grabs the UVC LED market with an annual output of 300 million chips... View More>>
MLS Co., Ltd. and Glodon Technology Co., Ltd. held a strategic signing ceremony
MLS Co., Ltd. and Glodon Technology Co., Ltd. held a strategic signing ceremony... View More>>
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Contact Us

    Name: Allen

    E-mail: [email protected]

    Add: No. 1, Mulinsen Avenue, Xiaolan Town, Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province, China